Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Johnnie Walker - Since 1820 and still walking

The legacy has remained consistent and has endured almost two centuries. Started by John Walker in Ayrshire, Scotland, it has notably become popular as one of the super brands of the world. Diageo the current owner takes a lot of pride in having JW in his kitty and has also created "The Striding Man Society" which is a members club for Johnnie Walker drinkers. The forward walking man symbolizes forward thinking and the pursuit of excellence.

Well, now… That is it! What’s so exceptional…?


Let’s see…

The baton passed to Alexander Walker.

Like father like son, but with a slight difference! Alexander Walker wanted to run the marathon than the 100 meter dash! He stepped into his father’s shoes quite comfortably and introduced the iconic square bottle in 1870. This meant fewer broken bottles and more bottles fitting the same space. The other identifying characteristic of the bottle is the label, which is applied at an angle of 24 degrees. The angled label means the text on the label could be made larger and more visible. A smart move, wouldn’t you agree?

A remarkable brand that sits quietly in the dark cupboard of so many ardent scotch connoisseurs and has been voted by a network of trusted veterans as the Number One whisky brand in the world. And of course, the number of bottles sold would second that.

What was started as Walker's Kilmarnock Whisky selling from a small grocery shop, has found its place in Jim Murray's Whisky Bible by the name "the Savoy, and the Everest of Deluxe Whiskies." Even the purists cannot deny that. I think it is the best brand in the world today. Make no mistake… I will go to the extent of stating that if you can find a better brand of whisky then I will happily pay a finder's fee. How about that?!

For those of you who have acquired a taste for some of the finest of drinks in life… Walk and Talk over a peg or two of Walker and decide whether I have left you with a hangover or a Dutch courage!


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